by klohr | Jun 24, 2016 | Theft / Fraud, Weird Crime
Weird Crime: Suspect Throws Baby after Shoplifting FollowFollow As an Orlando criminal lawyer I love reading up on weird crime in our state. Odd Crime is a great blog for this. Most recently I was on there reading up on some older crimes in Florida and I found this...
by klohr | Jun 24, 2016 | General
Officer charged with a Crime? FollowFollow Naturally, Florida criminal attorneys love reading stories about crooked cops. Slate recently did a piece called: Oh, #Florida!that was just hilarious. Here’s an excerpt: …this being Florida, some of those sworn to uphold...
by klohr | Aug 3, 2015 | Domestic Violence, Injunctions, Self Defense
Domestic Violence: Child to Parent Abuse FollowFollow Domestic Violence is an unfortunate reality in our global society. In answer to this the State of Florida has adopted the toughest laws and penalties in the nation when it comes to abuse towards a child or...
by klohr | Jun 13, 2015 | Comentary, Constitutional Rights, Defense, Self Defense, Weapons
Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law FollowFollow Stand Your Ground or Stand Down? Understanding Your Legal Right to Defend Yourself and Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law There you are, sitting in your living room watching TV. A night like most any other. But then you hear...
by klohr | May 29, 2015 | Comentary, Constitutional Rights, Defense, General
What are the Miranda Rights? FollowFollow Miranda Rights are an important part of Constitutional protections granted to United States citizens. Violation of a person’sMiranda Rights have been used successfully in the past as a defense against admission of guilt in a...
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